Saturday, November 13, 2010

Planning Weddings in Surigao City

I'm losing my whole life in Your purpose and for Your heart's desire. I'm running with blinded eyes, faith as my guide, let Your love take flight. - Devoted Citipointe Live
God truly surprises me in indescribable ways that leaves me in awe of His wonder. He constantly reminds me that He has my best interest at heart no matter how challenging the road I need to traverse in order to get to His promised land; nor how long the season of waiting will last. It was a rainy and rather dreary afternoon when I landed the gig I am working on right now after months of praying, brainstorming and little attempts of marketing. I've had a share of setbacks in the past, probably enough to discourage one to start anew. So there was a time when I didn't want to take risks nor did I even think of investing my heart into something that might not take off as well as I wanted it to. And the scarcity of capital resources has always been a constraint to getting anything done. So for a time, I guess I've entered a phase in my life where playing safe has been the ongoing mantra. But with God, there are no safe zones because He has promised that despite the impending dangers and challenges, He is there. And so with this new venture, I'm running with blinded eyes, faith as my guide, letting His love take flight...



  2. i like this one, it shows how great God our Lord is. forty five thumbs up for this! LMAO :)



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